Saturday, October 13, 2007

Photo Hunt Saturday - Smelly

I knew once I saw the topic, which photo I would post. This is a piece of skunk cabbage in the spring. While it wasn't stinky when we say it - it had yet to grow the leaves, its a smell easily identified in our neck of the woods. Found primarily in wetlands and swampy areas, it's pretty easy to spot. It's smell isn't too bad unless you break off a leaf, and then it's pretty foul.

For more smelly items, click here.


Weird Dan said...

I didn't know there are such things such as skunk cabbage

Nicole Pelton said...

Excellent. I'm sure I've smelled that on the road, don't think it's quite as bad as it's namesake, eh?

Anonymous said...

wow.. ive heard about it but never actually saw one..

thanks for the pic

Anonymous said...

I have heard of them, in fact I think we had them in the woods growing up but I never took the time to find out which they were--I was too busy climbing trees.

Colin Campbell said...

I have only smelled a skunk once when I was on a project in Virginia and we disturbed it. Very unique smell. Skunk Cabbage I have heard of, but not seen.

Carver said...

That's a great shot and I've never seen one although I have heard about it.

Sarge Charlie said...


Momgen said...

Oh thats my first time i saw that...

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. smelly~

I have done my smelly job~

Happy weekend~

Anonymous said... first time to see such kind of smelly weekend!mine is up too.

Lynn said...

I'm not familiar with this. It looks creepy. Breaking a leaf can give off foul smell.

ipanema said...

that's an excellent subject for the theme.

happy weekend! :)

PowersTwinB said...

I've never heard of skunk cabbage, but I think I'll take your word on how stinky it is! lol..I was looking at the photo and thought that was a centipede, or a millipede inside of it...ewwie. photo is up, please come and visit

Anonymous said...

wow, never saw one of those. Great shot!

jams o donnell said...

Great photo. A perfect choice fopr this week's theme. Happy weekend

Andree said...

Every spring I look for skunk cabbage in my woods, and I have never found it! It's actually been disappointing for me. (Don't ask why: I have no idea!!)

Julie Shaw said...


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That sounds like an interesting plant. Certainly one that you wouldn't want to disturb!

My smelly photo.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Great stuff! Educational, too.

Corey~living and loving said...

Great choice. I have heard of it, but never seen it!
happy weekend!

Susan said...

I've never heard of that...I enjoyed your picture.

Mine's up too.

:-) susan

Anonymous said...

I never heard of skunk cabbage,... the photo even looks smelly! Great shot and have a good weekend.

Mommy Lutchi said...

I never see one yet...
Mine is up at My two Cents Worth and
The 4 Seasons Of My Life I hope you can visit me too.

Cindy said...

I've never heard of skunk cabbage...but it LOOKS smelly! Yuck!

Katney said...

How big is your skunk cabbage? I always thought it was just maybe a foot high, but what I saw in Alaska was huge. Maybe there is more than one kind.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ooh cool "smelly". We can imagine what 'skunk cabbage' can smell like.

An thanks for visitin us for ours.

Skeeter and LC