Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy 10th Birthday

Happy 10th birthday to my geeky, science loving, tree climbing, race running, soccer playing, fun loving, quirky Einey!

Merry Christmas 2011

Christmas Card 2011

Christmas Eve
Wishing everyone the best this holiday season!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The evolution of a Christmas card

Since the girls were little, we have always sent out Christmas Cards to all our families and friends. Here's looking back through the years.

I have no recollection on what we sent out as a card, so it was probably some generic card. Here is the photo that accompanied the card.

photo courtesy of the one and only time we visited Picture People

Same with 2002. These years with 2 babies have fully escaped my memory.

Apparently adding a third child to the mix meant I felt the need to start a family card tradition.
Even back then I couldn't get them to sit still and cooperate :) Although they were wearing matching outfits. (please ignore the fact that it's not straight, I took a photo of it)

We tried something new this year - we made our cards using our family's hand prints. Printed at home as an opening card.


Hand prints again!



Back to flat photo cards this year. I love this photo of the girls, but it wasn't my favorite from the day. For some reason the Big Kid didn't like my favorite photo. So instead, that photo sits on our fireplace.

This year, we went with a new printing company, one that I absolutely LOVE. It gave me a chance to design my own cards (with a little help from another fellow blogger who designed just what I wanted!) They were printed on a matte card stock paper, which I again, LOVE for cards!

Again, we used the same printing company as the previous year but opted for a folding card. My same blogging friend helped us out again!



This year we went back to Shutterfly for our cards. We used a preset design but still printed on matte paper. We opted for a folding card.


Inside Top

Inside bottom

I have loved looking back through the years at how much my girl's have grown. I must confess that I do keep all my Christmas cards and make scrapbooks out of all the wonderful cards we receive. it is great to look back and see how much not only my daughter's have grown, but also how much their friends have grown.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My Kids

It took me awhile, but I finally have our Christmas cards ordered. This year was a weird one. I always look forward to taking our annual Christmas card picture in early November. But with the weather unseasonably warm this year - the kids were still running around in short sleeve shirts until the beginning of December and the kids not cooperating, I almost gave up. The picture we used ended up being taken at the last moment. We didn't search out a background, pick out special outfits or pose them in any way We were out at the annual Christmas Parade in our area and took a picture of the girls. We were happy with the result and there was our card.

As the girls get older, I've learned a few one thing. My girls aren't dresses and matching clothes. You'll never get a perfect card from us. They hate being posed. It just isn't us. It's..... unnatural.

But what I can promise you is this - you will get a real picture. Something that depicts us as we are. Having fun and loving each other.

These are my girls.

Einey - Candy canes can be swords!
Meenie - I've been framed!

Moe - just being Moe....

I look at these pictures and think of my girls and can only think of one thing. I am blessed!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Turkey for me and turkey for you....

Since celebrating Thanksgiving on Wednesday, we have had turkey 2 meals a day. Just plain turkey get's old real fast! And since Moe won't eat it this year - she says it tastes funny and she doesn't like it (which I think may be because we normally get a local farm raised bird and this year we got a frozen Butterball turkey) it means some of us are eating more turkey then others.

Here a re a few recipes we make to use the leftover turkey.

Turkey sandwiches

Chopped turkey
Tomatoes, sliced
Shredded cheese
Ranch Dressing or Hummus

Place all ingredients on a wrap, roll up and enjoy!

Turkey Enchiladas

1 cup chopped turkey
1 can enchiladas sauce
1 package shredded cheese

Mix all the ingredients together (optional, you can add in pre-cooked rice). Put a small layer of enchilada sauce in the bottom of your pan. Place mixed ingredients on your wrap, roll up and place side by side in your pan. Spread the rest of the enchalata sauce and a little bit of cheese on top. Cover with aluminim foil and bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes until bubbly.

Turkey Soup

Chicken Broth
Chopped turkey

Mix all ingredients together and cook on your stove about 1 hour until cooked thoroughly. Or in your crock pot for 4-5 hours, adding pasta at the last hour.

Turkey Mac and Cheese

Mix turkey in your favorite mac and cheese recipe

Turkey salad

Finally chop turkey and mix with mayonnaise and scallions. Use on top of salads or on a wrap.

Turkey Chili

2 -3 cans red kidney beans
2 cans black beans
2 cups chopped turkey
1 package of chili mix

Mix all together in your crock pot and cook on low heat for 4-5 hours. Serve with sour cream and shredded cheese on top. Can also be served over backed potatoes, chips or pasta.

Enjoy your turkey!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We actually celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday, since the Big Kid has to work today. So while everyone is cooking and celebrating today, we are looking forward to spending a day in our pj's, eating leftovers and watching movies (currently, the girls are awaiting the appearance of Santa at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade on TV).

Earlier this week, the Big Kid and I volunteered at the local food pantry's annual Thanksgiving food distribution which takes place at our daughter's school. New reports say that they provided a Thanksgiving meal for over 400 families. The Big Kid and I came away from that with a new sense of appreciation for what we have, and look forward to volunteering in the future.

This year, I am thankful for:

  • My family and friends. You guys have helped in so many ways over the past years, thank you!
  • Our health - overall everyone is healthy. We've had bumps and bruises over the years, but nothing that is long lasting.
  • Insurance - although we never expect to need you - those unexpected accidents would be a major set-back without it.
  • That we have a roof over our heads and food in our pantry.
  • That we may not have everything we want, but we have everything we need.
  • Love.
  • That the Big Kid is finished with school and we are moving forward.
  • My three wonderful, funny, amazing daughter's. When ever I'm having a bad day, you make my life a happier, brighter place to live in.

I wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving. Give thanks to what you have and those who love you.

Congratulations to the winners of my Shutterfly giveaway - Maureen B., Heather and Annette. You should have received your prize in an email yesterday.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Catching Up

It seems like I no longer visit this place as often as I'd like. The past few months have been crazy and fun. Jammed packed yet the flew by. I'm going to do a quick summery of what's been happening the last few months to catch-up.

June - School ended and we had all intentions of doing a science project a day. Impulsive and impatient kids left me with a red stained floor and quickly ended that endeavor. We did some projects over the summer, but not as many as we would have liked to.

Meenie turned 8 and had a fun tie-dying birthday party. Outside, it didn't leave much of a mess, minus the stained fingers.

We hosted a very successful letterboxing event at the end of the month. We had a blast planning it, the weather was wonderful and the attendees had alot of fun enjoying all that we had in store for them. Our theme was "Geeks take over the Park" and all of the stamp theme's were "geeky". We can't wait to host another one soon!

July - We snuck away and took the girls on their first camping trip. We only went for 2 nights, but everyone had a blast! We camped with some friends and tied it into a letterboxing event, so of course, we were surrounded by many people we knew. As we were setting up camp, it was a little rainy - which picked up overnight. The next day dawned gray, but the sun quickly pushed the clouds away. The girls enjoyed camping with their friends and we enjoyed relaxing. It was also night to get away from day to day life and just enjoy the here and now.

August - We started harvesting veggies from the garden. We had a HUMONGOUS crop of tomatoes and were loving the fresh foods we grew as well as what we supplemented from the Farmer's Market. We had plans of lazy beach days in our heads. But midway through the month, Moe had an accident. While canning some pickles, we were all in the kitchen working. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the canning pan filled with boiling water start to slide off the stove. I pushed Meenie out of one door. The big Kid and Eeiney, jumped through another door. But Moe, poor Moe, was in the direct splash zone. She took a direct hit from the water, and stood motionless in the kitchen. In a matter of second, I reappeared and grabbed her. With three kids screaming and myself in pain, The Big Kid took action and called 9-1-1. Our neighbor quickly appeared, along with other emergency personnel. An assessment was done, and declining medical transport, The big Kid to Moe to the ER. They were in and out, with the official damage. Moe had 2nd and 3rd degree burns to her feet. These required frequent doctor's visits, cream and bandaging. Luckily, her feet have healed nicely. Sunblock is a must as the skin heals itself. As of now, their is a slight discoloration where the burns were and the texture is a bit rougher/wrinkly. But overall, the doctor thinks scarring will be minimal. Mentally, she handled it superbly. She smiled and brushed off other's concerns. Other then the "itchiness" while the burns healed, she hardly complained. However, now 2 months later, she has started to show a little fear in entering the kitchen. Often she'll see a pan on the stove and ask if it's on. She'll tiptoe as quickly as she can away from the stove in use.

The end of August, we prepared to head back to school. But Tropical Storm Irene delayed those plans. Hitting over the weekend, it knocked out power for us on August 28th. We prepared a little and never thought we would lose power for any extended amount of time - we never, ever lose power where we are at. We lost power early in the morning on Sunday and it finally returned on Thursday evening. 107.5 hours. While we didn't have it as rough as others - we still had running water as we are on the town water system, we had hot water (a natural gas heater) and could cook - on the grill and on the stove (it too is natural gas) being without lights and electricity was different. The pro's were we spent alot of time together. We made shadow puppets, we told shadow stories. We visited the park (ALOT). We watched a movie outside on a friend's deck (generator powered). We laid on the back deck for hours, watching the stars and meteors. That was the best part, the first few nights before power started to return around us, the sky was simply amazing. The cons - it got dark, and boring, early. The laundry that piled up. No phones (cell phones were down/spotty throughout it all). Needing to go to the store before meals to buy food - anything that needed to be refrigerated. Lack of good coffee. Feeling cut-off from the rest of society.

September - After three days of missed school already, the girls finally returned. 2nd, 3rd and 5th grade was off to a good start. The kids are enjoying class this year so no complaints there.

We attended another local letterboxing event and had a blast as always. The kids are loving the friend's they see at these events.

Our schedule now looked like this:

  • Monday: Meenie had Brownies (every other week)
  • Tuesday: Einey had soccer games 2:30 - 5:00
  • Moe had soccer from 5:30 - 7
  • Einey had Girl Scouts (every other week) 6-7:30
  • Wednesday: Einey had soccer practice 3-5
  • Einey and Meenie had soccer practice from 5:30 -7:00
  • Moe had Brownies from 6-7 (every other week)
  • Thursday: Einey had soccer games 2:30 - 5
  • Friday: All three girls had soccer practice (same fields) from 5:30 - 7:00
  • Saturday: Games at 10:15-11:45 and then 1:00 - 2:30 pm.

The Big Kid took his inhouse exams and passed. Almost finished with school.

The girl's and I went on a Mother-Daughter camping trip the last weekend of the month. We enjoyed spending time with each other, but missed the Big Kid. Hopefully we will have some more time like this in the future!

October - Finally, after 2 years, the Big Kid was set to take his final exams. We got the results this week that he has passed (YAY!). It was alot of work and both physically and emotionally draining on all involved. We are so happy to put that all behind us and look forward to the future.

We celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary in the middle of this. We attended a letterboxing event on our anniversary and the Big Kid hung around while a friend and I went out hiking.

A few weeks later, we went to Maine for the weekend to attend another Letterboxing event. It was fun. Everyone had a blast. The girls (and the Big Kid) dressed as zombies. We spent the night in Ogunquit across from the beach. In the morning, we walked on the beach and collected shells (and unbeknownst to me, crab legs) which sat in bags in the van, stinking it up. It still has a little bit of a funk smell. We ate at the girl's favorite restaurant in New Hampshire - The Friendly Toast! And, to add to the awesomeness of the weekend - we saw a porcupine cross the road near the van (unfortunately, it happened so quick, there are no pictures). Now to eventually see a moose!

It snowed (not much but still record breaking) on October 29th. This knocked out power once again to hundreds of thousands of residents in the state once again. We were spared this time, but I'm hoping it's not an indication of the winter to come. last year, we had feet of snow dumped on us so I'm hoping we don't have power outages on top of tons of snow this year.

We celebrated Halloween. In disgust of the Halloween costume choices this year (really, do we have to make every costume as slutty as we can??) we made our costumes this year. Einey went as a zombie (for a few events) and as a Amazon Rain Forest Tree trick or treating. Meenie was a Zombie Kid and Moe was a Zombie Prom Queen.

November - Soccer has ended. But in it's place, the two older girls have choir on Thursday (after school, so I just have to pick them up a little later), art club on Tuesday's (for all the girls - again, just a later pickup). And theater is starting again - that will likely be Tuesday - Thursday evenings. The Christmas show is in Early December and that will roll into Beauty and the Beast (if the girls want to audition). Basketball for the younger two starts in December on Saturday mornings and indoor soccer starts for Einey in January (on Sunday's). Overall, I still think we'll do less running around then we did in the Fall.

And that about sums up our last few months.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The future is bright

Today officially marks the end of a long two years. The Big Kid finally got word that he has successfully passed a very grueling test and is thus now has the license he has been working hard to earn the last two years.

I'd like to say that we got the good news because I released all sorts of bad energy and let the good energy flow into our lives this morning at yoga but well, who'd believe that.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Words of advice

Moe today: "I like the snow, except not when I have FLIP FLOPS on". Well um, your the one who chose those shoes to wear today. Her reply? "Well I didn't think it was going to start snowing already."

Einey today (as she watched some kids trick or treating down Main Street): "Don't go in the liqueur store, they might give you tequila!" Well in that case kids, get out, we're going trick or treating!

To my friends in the Northeast - stay warm and let's hope the power stays on. I don't think I can bear another week without power so soon!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Nine Weeks until Christmas

I can hardly believe it is the end of October already. This year has passed so quickly. Last thing I knew, it was June and we were having a blast. Between all the things that happened since summer and now, I feel like I lost so much time! The weather lately has been uncharacteristically warm. It's the end of October and we are still wearing tee shirts. We need jackets in the morning, but by midday, it's warm enough to go without. It really doesn't feel like winter is coming.

Already, I am thinking ahead until Christmas. I've already started thinking about what I am going to do with my Christmas cards this year. It's one simple thing that I can take care of early and have out of the way well before the hectic holiday schedule hits us. Often I ask myself - are we going to take a picture of all the girls together or do separate photo's? Props or no props? Funny or serious (the Big Kid wants to stage a picture of himself dressed as a zombie with the girls making mock horror faces)? Do we include the dogs or not? Outside or inside? Folded or flat? As you can see, it's no easy task picking out our cards.

We choose to use Shutterfly for our Christmas cards as they have so many creative backgrounds to choose from. We have always been happy with the service we have received and how fast our products have shipped. Shutterfly has so many unique card designs so there really is something for everyone!

One of my favorite's this year is this card. I love the simplicity of the initial wreath and the short message. The simplicity of this card really makes it stand out. This year we are trying to go a little easy with Christmas. We want to step back, give thanks and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Spending time with family and friends, trying not to stress out over what "should" be done and to really enjoy the whole season is what we strive for.

Last year - we used this design. It allowed us to be a little creative and get some good shots of the girls. It took us awhile to get the right pictures. Normally we take a group shot, but we weren't happy with the way any turned out - something was always off. Then we went to take pictures and the battery on the camera was dead. A third attempt led to issues with the background. Finally, we came up with this card as our finished product and were thrilled with the way the finished product looked.

While we were in Maine last weekend, I took a cute picture of the girls in front of the Nubble Lighthouse. While the girls are not up front and center, it's a cute picture anyway. I've been thinking of using that picture on a card with a nice red border. Putting my picture into this card, I came up with this design.

Since it's still early, I'm not entirely sure what design I will use. What I do know is that when I get "the perfect" picture, I will find the design that fits it perfectly. Once I find that design, I know that the service I receive will be quick and that my cards will arrive just the way I want them.

Do you want a chance to win 25 FREE cards? Leave a comment telling me your favorite card design and why by November 23rd. I will randomly pick three winners who will each receive 25 FREE cards of their choosing. For an extra chance to win, tweet or post a link to this post on FaceBook and then send me the link. I will need a blog contact or email address to contact the winners.

“Are you a blogger? Want a chance at 25 free cards this holiday season? Register here:

This post was written as a promotion for Shutterfly. I will be receiving 50 FREE cards this year.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer vacation day #2

Today was gong well, I was even going to take them out to do arts and crafts at our local Micheal's. However, when I assumed they were starting to make their lunches (as asked) they were in fact, doing more science projects. And since their was no adult supervision, they were also fooling around. Which is why my kitchen floor is now stained a nice shade of red.

So instead of summer of science, I think I should re-name it to "summer we destroyed the house, room by room". Stay tuned.....

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer vacation day #1

The girls finished school yesterday. I am now the proud parent of a 5th, 3rd and 2nd grader. I was going to write a big post about day one of our summer of science (the girls want to do a science project a day), but I'm a little too annoyed right now. Instead, I'll give you three quick numbers.

Summer vacation day # - 1
Bee stings - 1
Broken windows - 1

'nuff said.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde

Just like there are two sides to every story, there are also two side's to Moe. There is the blue-eyed, freckle faced little girl who loves to snuggle and then there is the green-eyed torrent who is a match for no-one. I won't lie and say life with Moe has been easy, but for the most part it has been fun. But this summer (and the future) scare me. I don't know if I can control her (nor do I think anyone can control her). And in the future, I see her wild-eyed, laughing as she rides off on the back of a Harley, but at the same time, I know that she have anything to hide- it's not her nature - she's very to the point.

But back to the here and now. This summer may be the summer to break me. I don't know if I can control her strong willed nature. I don't know if I have the energy or strength to match hers.

"Moe, stop touching the poison ivy. Yeah so, I want to see what it feels like"

"I love you momma, can we snuggle?"

"Moe, did you dump calamine lotion out the window? Why? because I see a trail of it down the roof. Yes."

"Can I make you a coffee Momma?"

"Moe, you need to stop writing on the walls. Where did I write something? It says Can I have a playdate with K? on the inside drawer in the bathroom. Oh, yeah. Well, can I? No, not until you stop writing on things"

"Momma, do you want to last one? It don't matter (meaning I don't mind) if I don't have one"
"Yeah so what, I don't care" "Momma, is it okay if I water the plants for you?"

She's always been a high maintenance child, enough balance of sweetness to counter act the wild child inside. And she definitely controls who sees what. There are those who only see the sweetness in her - who tell me how lucky I am to have such a sweet, funny helpful little girl. Who ask, does she ever stop smiling? Who I'm not afraid to let Jules visit with alone because "she is always so well-behaved". And then there are others who must leave after visiting wondering what goes on in our house, how can she be so out-of-control. Who ask "is she always like this?" Who probably need Tylenol and a stiff drink to recuperate after a visit with her.

I just hope that she let's the blue-eyed sweet child out a little this summer. Or you'll find me in a corner come September.....

Friday, March 11, 2011

Spring Cleaning - Day 8

I reorganized the mud room again. I had tossed some things in here from the van when I cleaned it out and clearly it wasn't working. So I took the travel chairs and put them in the basement along with the bag I keep in the van (with blankets, extra letterboxing supplies and snacks - it will go back in the van real soon) and the snow cleaner-off thing and snow boots. I put the kid's shoes back i nthe bins and hung up the coats. And bags were emptied and hung up as well. The shelves did not need t be organized again, they have stayed nice since I did them last. I need to find a home for a few more items in there, I'd like to use the back door to the deck this year if possible.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Spring Cleaning - Day 7

Today was a quick day- I went through the magazine racks and other locations they were stacked and ended up tossing most out to be recycled, keeping just the National Geographic and LEGO magazines. It did clean up quite bit though!

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Spring Cleaning - Day 6

Today I tackled the master bed room. It was a haven for messiness. I swept the floors, put all the clothes stacked on the cedar chest away and organized the closet. I cleaned off the book shelf and the top of the Big Kid's dresser. I cleaned out the closet - getting rid of clothes that I haven't worn in years. I need to get the Big Kid to do the same as there are clothes in there he hasn't worn since we moved in. I realized two things while cleaning - the Big Kid, despite his protests, has enough work shirts to last a month if I didn't clean them and there are so many work notes and study guides laying around, I could heat my house for a year or insulate the attic with them. The only places I haven't found any are the girls rooms and the playrooms. There are stacks EVERYWHERE - I'm at a loss of how to organize them!

I only finished 1/2 the room - the Big Kid's 1/2 so the rest will wait.

Monday, March 07, 2011

Spring Cleaning - Day 5

Today I cleaned the upstairs bathroom. I organized the kids toys, and cleaned out under the sink - restocking as needed. I went through the medicine cabinet organizing and tossing old items. I cleaned out the cabinet drawers and rearranged things on the shelves. I then cleaned off the sink and put everything stacked on the counter back where it went. Then I washed down everything.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Spring Cleaning - day of rest

As I mentioned in the previous post, I had 129 cases of girl scout cookies arriving. Sunday morning, we woke up early and celebrated Girl Scout Sunday with our church. We had a great turnout - 32 girl and boy scouts (up from 12 last year). After that, I went to pick up my cases of cookies and then spent time sorting through them for the troop. I had lunch and then it was off to our first cookie booth of the month. While I'd like to count 129 cases of GS cookies as cleaning, not all of them ever truly entered my house.....

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Spring Cleaning - Day 4

Today I needed to clean out the van. After a long, cold winter, and the major occupants being under 10 - it was a disaster. lacking a garage, basically anything that got brought out to the van for any reason, got left in it. I needed the van to pick up the 129 cases of girl scout cookies my Brownie troop sold. At first, I was just going to remove the big things (bags and totes and chairs) and leave it as is until it was drier, warmer and less muddy. Plus the girls penance this spring is to wash and clean the inside and outside of the van for always trashing it. However, after cleaning out the big items, I quickly realized it was just really, really gross and needed to be vacuumed. So a small job quickly turned into a bigger job. But my van is really clean now (once it does get warmer, drier and less muddy, we will take the seats out and fully clean it. And by "we" I mean "them").

One bag of trash was the total removed from the van.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Spring Cleaning - Day 3

Day three I cleaned out Moe's clothes. As the youngest of three, she gets many, many hand-me-downs. And as a result, never has any room for her clothes. She has also recently went through a growth spurt. With her help, I told her to help me bag up what doesn't fit anymore AND what she doesn't like. No use in me keeping things she'll never wear. This did end up with me telling her she cannot just empty her whole dresser into the "get rid of pile". In the end, we ended up with TWO full garbage bags of clothes. To be given to a friend for her daughter. And her clothes STILL do not all fit in her dresser....

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Spring Cleaning - Day 2

The mess

I know technically that I should be on day 3. I have a perfectly good excuse for missing yesterday. The Big Kid had surgery yesterday morning, which meant we had to wake up waaaay before the sun to leave for the hour long drive to the hospital. Once there, we were admitted, he was worked on and we headed home. After having lunch, I slept for a good 3 hours, in which it was time to collect the kids from art club and a friend's house, do homework, eat dinner and bring the kids to theater. After watching Survivor, we both crashed. The Big Kid is sore, but feeling better.

After cleaning the 1st time

Today I tackled the closet in the upstairs hallway. Being an old house, closet space is very sparse. This particular closet is in the center of the house, easily accessible and thus a collection spot for all sorts of junk. Initially, I cleaned it out, organizing the toiletries all on the top shelf. Then I thought of the unused closet that Moe was using as stairs in the previous post. being that it is ACTUALLY in the bathroom (although a tad of a tight squeeze to reach) all we use if for is towels. the top two shelves were essential empty. So I moved all the toiletries into there - so that when one wants soap or tooth paste or deodorant, they don't have to walk across the house.

End result (That large cream comforter set was given to us on our wedding day 11 years ago. We've never used it. As soon as I can find a home for it, it is going)

So I organized TWO closets and had one more bag of trash to toss. Tossed were old toiletry items given to use but never used, empty bags, plastic covers to containers no longer owned and some fake flowers (the same flowers we brought for Einey's flower boxes in her room waaay back when she was a wee toddler. The same flowers that she decided to shove up her nose which resulted in a trip to the emergency room and nasal extraction after being put under).
Bathroom closet before (ignore the ugly 70s wall paper)

Towels section re-folded
Newly organized toiletries

The trash

What did you clean today???

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Little monkey

The other day, The Big Kid asked me if I knew that Meenie was locking the door when she used the bathroom. I replied that I did know and also thought the Moe was doing the same.

"How the heck can Moe lock the door?" came his reply. *

"I'm not sure, but I've heard her do it" I told him.

Evidence: The lock. See it waaaay up at the top?

See Moe.

See Moe reach the lock? Yeah, that's how.

It seems like we have a monkey on our hands.

*Prior to catching Moe in action, The Big Kid did say, I bet she's climbing into the linen closet.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Spring Cleaning - Day 1

Today is the first day of March. Spring is just around the corner and there are many, many little things around the house that need to be done. Things that have been ignored and forgotten all winter long. Debris that has grown into piles shoved in corners and closets.

Today is day 1 that I am attempting to tackle and organize.

Here is what I accomplished in a very short amount of time. The area was a small area at the base of the basement stairs. Out of sight to many, but a space I pass many times a day. Throughout the holiday season, empty boxes and bags got tossed here. Empty dog food bags got tossed down the stairwell, awaiting the next garbage day and forgotten. See the before and after pictures? Much cleaner!

This is what I got rid of - two bags full of garbage and a bunch of boxes sent to recycling!

Another small area in the basement - more garbage tossed before and after!

So what are you cleaning to get ready for spring? My goal is to toss and de-clutter for the whole month of March - posting as I go. Wish me luck!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mommy's No Fun

You know those games your kids play? The one's that get repeated over and over and over and over again? Well, mommy is a party pooper.*

1) The Quiet Game: Has been banned from Mommy's presence. Well it seems like a great game to play - because hey, everyone is QUIET. It quickly degrades into some one kicking, cheating, or poking and three kids arguing. no fun there.

2) Cheese Touch: While cute when it first started, Mommy is now the proud owner of the Cheese Touch and is not passing it on. It cannot be stolen from Mommy by walking up and touching her. And no, you cannot acquire it again at school. So sorry!

3) 5 Minutes to Get Rid of That Word: What word? Yeah, that (what). What happens if you don't get rid of it in 5 minutes? Then your stuck with it forever. Guess what, Mommy is stuck with it.

4) Jinx: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Jinx you owe me a soda. So um, if I win and you owe me a soda, I have to pay for it anyway because you have no money, correct? And neither of us drink soda so what's the point? Except for you guys arguing over who owes the other person a soda you cannot have?

5) The Wii: Why, because Mommy is just plain awful and all the little beings cheat.

So, what games are no fun in your house?

*this do not mean these games do not get played (or attempted) many, many, many times anyway.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lost - please find

*it was replaced by this: