Hey down there, miss me? I know, it's been awhile since I've been down to visit. Please don't be mad. It's just , well, I've never really enjoyed our time spent together. Don't look at me like that. Yeah I know. Well I've got some news, I'll be down to visit more often now. Yeah you see, Einey has these nice dress shirts. And well, you know, the wrinkles don't come out themselves. And thats where you come in.
I've never been the best ironer. In fact I hate it. H - A - T - E. Hate. It. Maybe it's because I've never really learned the proper way to iron. I sort of BS my way through it. And really, there are just some wrinkles I can't get out. Plus I seem to add some. I only use it if I have to. Days when we have somewhere important to be. Days where we need to wear something besides t-shirts and jeans.
Now that daughter has to wear a uniform, I'm going to have to get better acquainted with my iron. It's a good thing she wears a jumper over most of the shirt so you can't really see if I miss a spot. And the arms. Oh the arms. How do I fit the teenie- tiny arms over the big end of the iron board? I tried tonight, I really did. And I think I did alright. But I didn't touch the sleeves. They are puffy sleeves and well, have lots of pleats. And they're small. Oh so small.
Maybe in the next 8-12 years I'll finally come to master it. Or I'll get smart and find all wrinkle free gear.
Would you believe that I have never used an iron? My mother-in-law couldn't believe it. I think she's ashamed of me. So what if I'm a wrinkled mess!?
Jane, Pinks & Blues Girls
I am the same way, except that at this point, I won't even try to iron. I bought this stuff called "Downy Wrinkle Release." I spray it on the item of clothing and the wrinkles magically disappear. Seriously.
The closest I come to ironing is throwing the clothing in the dryer for a few minutes..
This "Downy Wrinkle Release", why have I not seen this before.... this I must have...
What is this instrument you call 'iron'? Seriously, I do not use one at all except maybe 1x/year if necessary. My husband irons his own things which is just fine with me. Strangely, my kids love a little toy iron they have. Figures. They'll probably grow up to be ironers.
How about a little place they call the dry cleaners? they do laundry and pressing there too. Yes, it's a good thing!
I haven't picked up an iron in years!! (not since I discovered that you can pay someone to do it for you!)
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