Wednesday, August 23, 2006


I got to thinking a lot about just who my husband was after reading a post on MetroDad.

So I am here to now tell you a little about my husband.

First and foremost, he is a funny, sensitive, caring individual. I have know him for so long, I can't even begin to imagine my life without him. He is as much a part of me as my daughters are. He usually knows what I am thinking before I tell him.

Of course, life isn't always roses and rainbows. After almost 7 years of marriage, he still doesn't know where some of the dishes belong (even if he takes them out), he always leaves the sponge in the bottom of the sink (to get buried by dishes - ughh, I hate that), leaves the paper towel roll empty and doesn't always put a clean trash bag in the garbage when he empties it. But those are small ripples on the ocean of life.

He is one of those dads that world revolves around their kids. He would rather be watching them play soccer than watching a game on TV. He would rather be taking them on adventures than messing around on the computer. He strives to teach them new things everyday. From turning over logs in the yard to teaching them new games. He has never balked at the thought of changing a diaper.

After working 40+ hours a week, he never complains if the house is not spotless, if the dishes aren't done or the laundry put away. He likes to help cook and will even do the dishes after.

One of his biggest hobbies is painting. You can see some of his work here. He has painted the Noah's Arc mural in our nursery and drew pictures for the playroom. He even drew the program for my daughter's dance school's recital last spring.

And the center of the ceiling.

So anyway, there's a little bit about the man I married.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

The mural is awesome!