Tuesday, June 03, 2008

On weaning...

It appears that I may have to wean Moe. Wean her you say? But isn't she almost four? Yeah, not that type of weaning. It's no secret that Moe and I usually hit a local coffee shop once or twice a week after we drop her sisters off at school. Where she chooses a fruit latte and muffin and I choose a latte and cinnamon stick (okay, not always but 99.99% of the time).

With summer vacation fast approaching (tomorrow for Meenie, next Wednesday for Einey), I can't imagine that our quite morning jaunts would be the same. For one, Moe is calm and somewhat civilized when her sisters aren't around. I could see them chucking the coffee bean centerpieces around at each other! For another, it's not cheap! I spend much more than I probably should (read if I made my own damn coffee in the mornings and stuck with something a little healthier) on our trips. Throw in another two and I'd be quickly throwing away their tuition money. And lastly, and probably most importantly, it wouldn't be the same. That is Moe and mine time. A special time that we get to spend together just the two of us. Daddy isn't even allowed on our special jaunts.

So for whats best, Moe and I will suspend our morning trips until the fall. Let's hope I she can last without my her morning coffee smoothie!*

*and for the record, this morning after dropping her sisters off at school, I heard, I'm thirsty, let's go get a smoothie.


Anonymous said...

you might have to make an exception just once birthday girl!!


PinksandBluesGirls said...

What a precious little morning ritual... one that you both will always look back on with such love (even if her college tuition was spent on these jaunts!). When Audrey and Jane were in elementary school, we had a "sundae" each Thursday after school. For years we said, "Thursday is Sundae." And you know what? You can't buy time like that!!

Sharon - Pinks & Blues

Bristol said...

OH.. I loved this post!! I'm reading my mother's comment and was about to post the same thing she wrote! I remember those days with such fondness!!
You go girl!!
- AUdrey

Life As I Know It said...

What a nice ritual to have. She'll remember that time with just you.
Maybe I'll start doing that with mine when his older brother is in full day school next year.
(even if it is expensive ;)

Binky said...

That is my kind of tradition!