Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!

I would just like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

This year, I am going to try to keep things simple. I resolve to not join every committee that comes my way. I'll help out if needed, but not every one. I also plan on keeping activities down to a minimum and staying home more often. Things just got way to stressful around here the last month or so. And even though I made this resolution last year (and it worked, kind of) there is just more things that need to go!

My other goal is to exercise more and eat better. Who doesn't have this resolution?

As for the girls, they are too young to make their own resolutions, so I am going to make them for them!


I would like her to help out a bit more around the house (although she does a pretty good job already). The big goal for her would be to be a little more kind to her sisters.


Her goal is to not get frustrated so easily. I know it's hard, but she just needs to chill! Her other goal is to wear just one outfit a day. I am tired of constantly washing her clothes because she feels the need to change 10 times a day and I never know what's clean and what's dirty. Socks also need to be put in the basket when they get taken off because we have a serious lack of socks around here lately. Its a good thing Santa brought some new one's because it gets awfully cold out without socks!


Where to start? Let's see, Moe needs to be nicer to her sisters and friends. No more pushing on the playground, pulling hair or pinching. She also needs to try not to get into everything (I know it's hard, but it's wearing on us!). Finding one place to sit at the table and actually staying there the whole meal would be a plus. Moe needs to find a heaping pile of patience around somewhere. I'm sure its out there, we just need to find it! And last but not least, she needs to learn to deal with others making the decisions. I mean, it is so hard to reason with a two year old when all they want to wear is "Dora unies" and there are no Dora undies clean. You just need to deal with it and wear the puppy undies instead!

Have a safe and happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

364 More Days

Christmas 2006 is over.

Five straight days of Christmas Parties.

The first two were pretty tame. One being the annual Christmas party of the playgroup I've been bringing my kids to since they were born. The second being Einey's class Christmas show and party. The kids dressed up as Christmas trees and added ornaments as they sang songs relating to the item (a star was added as they sang "Oh Little Star of Bethlehem", a baby Jesus was added as the sang "Away in a manger", ect). They had stockings hung by the stage, filled with goodies. And except for Moe opening the doors of the gym and running down the hallway about 20 times, it was a very relaxing event! Unfortunately, Husband had to work, so he couldn't come to her holiday show.

On Saturday, the day we were supposed to go to the zoo, I mean, my parent's house, Einey got sick and had to stay home with the Husband. So I got to drag the younger two to Grandma's where they were going to take their presents home to open with their sister. Instead, they got corralled into the room, already filled to the max and were handed present after present. Many presents and snacks later, we were on our way back home.

Sunday we got up early to start cooking our Christmas dinner. His parents came over and we open presents with them., Only they didn't bring all the gifts, which meant we still had to go over their on Christmas day and completely negated the Christmas Eve idea we had planned. Off the church (early to get a seat) and then it was home, where we sprinkled reindeer food in the yard. The kids went to bed and then Santa came.

Monday morning was utter chaos. Einey was under the tree passing out the gifts to everyone. Now that she can read, she elected herself the present passer-outer (the most converted job in our house growing up). But we got gifts opened and then had a late breakfest. I wanted to spend the day in my pajamas, but I had to get dressed to take the kids over to grandma's house (again). So when Husband left for work, we headed across town to Grandma's house. Where we had dinner and the kids opened more presents.

It was nice, but next year, I think I am staying home for Christmas! Holidays just are not the same with out your significant other to spend it with!

The kids woke up this morning and dashed to the tree. They were wondering where the rest of the presents were! Before bed tonight, they reminded me to put out some more milk and cookie. Thankfully, the big guy comes only once a year!

One Whole Week

For one whole week, I have nothing planned to do. I can sleep late (well as late as the girls will let me), stay in my pajama's all day if I want, and basically do nothing! It is the first time in almost 5 years where I have this much free time and I love it! Usually we have something to do - school, dance, playgroups - but everyone took a vacation week this week.

It is nice to just sit here and play with the girls. They are really enjoying the new toys that Santa brought. In fact, the TV has hardly been on in the last 3 days!

Of course, it would be nicer if Husband wasn't working this week, but you can't have everything! And he only has to work two more nights now.

The only day we have plans is Friday, which is when Einey is having her birthday party for her friends. And that only takes up a 2 hour block of time.

So, I'm going to grab a cup of coffee and a book and try to read a bit while they are playing quietly.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Everyone.

Wishing you all a safe and love filled holiday.

Happy Birthday Einey!

Five years ago, giving birth was the last thing on my mind. I was looking forward to spending what would be the last Christmas as just a married couple with the Husband, sleeping in and visiting family.

Einey had other plans. She wanted out! Due on January 21st, when I awoke Christmas morning to my water breaking, lets just say, I was in shock and no way ready to be a mom yet. There was too much to do. In fact, I was in denial. I woke up around 8:00 am when my water broke. I went to the bathroom and then crawled back into bed. About 10 minutes later, after realizing what actually happened, I woke Husband up. he felt the need to take a shower and putz around before bringing me to the hospital. My contractions started around 9:30 when we arrived at the hospital. Since my water broke, I was automatically admitted. We spent the day progressing and at 3:47 pm after only 45 minutes of hard labor, a 6 pound 8 ounce, 21 inch long Einey was born. She had to be taken to the NICU for the first 12 hours due to some breathing issues which I believe were due to her being born early. But everything corrected on its own. She was admitted back to the hospital on New Years Eve due to Jaundice. Nursing was not at all what I expected and I only nursed her for 6 weeks. If only I knew back then what I know now!

She has grown so much in these past five years. She is on the small side for her age and the youngest in her kindergarten class, but that doesn't stop her. She is beginning to read and loves to read to me before bed. She is counting and telling time, tying her shoes and getting dressed on her own. There are so many ways that she doesn't need me anyway, but she still loves to take time and snuggle.

She loves taking jazz, tap and ballet lessons as well as playing soccer and swimming. She loves singing and video games. She loves trying new things and isn't afraid of doing things on her own.

Happy Birthday Einey! I hope all your birthdays are full of love and happiness. Keep smiling and don't be afraid to try new things!

Love Mommy!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Letters to Santa.

Dear Santa,

I figure that I am probably on your naughty list (at least that’s what Mommy and Daddy tell me anyway) but I want you to know, I am only naughty 50% of the time. So it’s only fair that I get 50% of my max present allowance. I really can be quite nice.

I try to share my half chewed food, but usually there are no takers. And juice cups? No one wants those either after I’ve drank from them. I even shared my cold with my sister this week!

The whole pushing my friends thing? Well, I’ve gotten better. I don’t push ALL my friends now, just some of them. And really, I only push the ones who don’t push me back or who cry. I don’t know why, but it gets more of a reaction from Mommy and who doesn’t like a little more attention?

The getting into stuff constantly is a little overrated. Mommy and Daddy tend to over exaggerate! I mean, isn’t that what 2 year olds are supposed to do? I think it’s in the manual. Right there after feed the dog my vegetables. So I’m only doing what I am supposed to be doing. It shouldn’t count against me. In fact, I should get a bonus!

Now down to business.

For Christmas I would like:

Some more of those Frisbee's’s. You know, the small round ones with the hole in the middle. The one’s Mommy and Daddy hide behind the TV. They come in those rectangular boxes. I really like to play with those. And Mommy and Daddy said they aren’t going to buy anymore if I keep breaking them. So its up to you big guy, to bring them to me!

I would also like some more dolly’s. I mean, who can have enough dolly’s, right? SO what if I have more doll’s than I know what to do with. Or if I don’t play with most of them. I still like them. And who doesn’t want a baby to love.

Lastly, I’d like some more of those little glass balls my sisters play with. The one’s Mommy calls a “choking hazard”. They are so, so pretty. And I like the way they feel in my mouth, so cool on my tongue. Mommy doesn’t let me play with them because they are not mine, but if I had some of my own, she’d have to let me play with them, right?

I will leave you some milk and cookies right next to the fireplace. Don’t forget to look at my list before you leave, to make sure you don’t forget anything!


Dear Santa,

I have been pretty good lately. Mommy and Daddy said I’ve calmed down as I’ve gotten older. Besides being a bit loud, I share my toys and always try to think of others. I wait my turn (sometimes) and am getting much better at following directions.

I have a few questions for you though.

1). How can you fly? I mean, I know it’s magic but still?
2) How can you be so quiet? Really, I’d like to know because you see, I am really loud most of the time and need to learn how to be quiet.
3) How are you going to come in? I mean, I know you are supposed to come down the chimney, but Mommy and Daddy have it stuffed. Are you SURE you’ll be able to get in?4). Why can’t I stay up and see you? I’d really like to meet you!

Okay, now here is what I would like for Christmas.

I would like some Barbie dolls. And not those Bratz imposter's, I want real Barbie’s!. If you can’t bring me a Barbie, I really like Polly Pockets. In fact, skip the Barbie’s and bring me some Polly’s! Please.

I really like Strawberry Shortcake, but if you’ve been watching me, you should know that.

Hey wait a minute, if you ARE watching me all the time like Mommy and Daddy says, why am I telling you what I want? You should know what I like by now and what I want, I mean you do see me tell Mommy what I want at the store, right?

Forget the letter, this is all in your hands now.


Dear Santa,

I’ve been very good this year. My teacher says I am doing very good at school too.

Since it’s my birthday, I guess I get something extra right?

I would like some Littlest Pet Shop stuff, Hide and Seek Hailey, Moon Sand, My Little Ponies (I really want the castle), a Doll house and some Barbies. I also like the 12 Dancing Princess stuff, Fairies and DVD’s. Mommy and Daddy gave me a Game Boy Advance, so I would really like some games to go with it.

As I already told Doolie the Elf, I would like a kitchen set (even though Mommy said I already have one in my bedroom). I just want a new one. Mine is really ancient. I mean, after all, it was Mommy’s when she was my age and she is so old. So, please bring me a new one. I know mommy won’t mind.

We are going to sprinkle some Reindeer Food outside so that your reindeer won’t get hungry waiting for you. We will leave you some milk and cookies too. Mommy did a lot of baking this week. And boy are those cookies good. I hope you like them.


Saturday, December 23, 2006

On the First Day of Christmas Break....

" classmates gave to me, a rotovirus in my tummy" as sung by Einey (well if she was feeling well enough to sing).

Her first school vacation ever and she starts it with the dreaded stomach bug. But it was bound to happen. All of the rest of us have had it at some point over the last week. And she came home from school saying "Mom, guess what happened in school today! C. puked near the cubbies this morning". Of course that was followed by her telling us how she and the other kids were commenting on this incident. I am amazed that she made it this far without getting sick. I expected her to catch every bug as it goes around. After all, I have been led to believe that my choice to not send my kids to preschool would prove to inflict a weak immune system on them for all eternity.

On the downside, she missed spending Christmas at Grandma's with her cousins. I brought her sisters there to drop off gifts and bring our gifts back. So she was happy t oat least get to open some gifts today.

On the plus side, she received a BIG balloon bouquet from her best friend for her birthday (Thanks MMR&H!) while we were gone.

And since this virus seems to be one of the fast moving 24 hour bugs, she should be feeling much better by the time Santa comes!

Now to see if Moe catches it (we are unsure whether or not she has had it with the rest of us).

Monday, December 18, 2006

The Weird just get Weirder....

For the last month, there has been a deceased cat residing in front of my house. It was not ours nor do we know who it belonged to. It was not something I was going to dispose of either (I was silently praying for snow with hopes that a plow would move it to parts unknown).

I had a friend who called one day upset, thinking it was our cat out there.

Anyway, today, I was walking through the house and happened to see a guy out in front with a shovel and a plastic bag from a local supermarket. He scooped up the cat and walked across the street. Thinking it was one of the neighbors who got sick of seeing it and decided to do a good deed and dispose of it, I watched him walk away. Only he walked all the way down the street and around the corner out of site.

I can only hope that it was this poor guys pet and he was going to dispose of it and that it wasn't dinner (around here, you never know)!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Five things you may or may not know about.....

I was tagged by Jennifer at Everybody Loves Raymond.


1. I met my husband (and started dating him) when I was 14. He was 17. We got married 4 years later.

2. In high school, I was Salutatorian of my graduating class, and captain of the Cheerleading squad.

3. I have a degree in Early Childhood Education.

4. I have never had a full time job. Ever. Unless you count the 2 months I was a summer camp counselor.

5. I have no clue what I want to be when I grow up.


1. She was born on Christmas Day. And is the youngest child in her kindergarten class.

2. She loves bugs. She is constantly looking under logs and digging in the dirt for them.

3. She started playing soccer when she was 3 and loves it! She also takes a combination Jazz/Tap/Ballet class.

4. She wears glasses.

5. She has more friends who are boys than she does that are girls (just like Mom). And she already knows who she wants to marry.


1. She was hospitalized with Viral Encephalitis over the summer. She is completely recovered now.

2. She cannot look at anything without touching it.

3. She was a miserable, cranky baby. But now loves to laugh. Especially if she (or one of her sisters) is doing something wrong.

4. She is a girly-girl. She loves dolls and dress-up.

5. She is almost the same height as her older sister (18 months older) and has already surpassed her in weight.


1. She is a bully. In any social situation, she loves to push her friends, especially if she knows it will make them cry. I think she loves getting a reaction.

2. She didn’t talk much until she turned two. Now I can’t get her to stop talking.

3. She loves cows. We even saw one being birthed.

4. She can find her way our of anything. There is no cage strong enough to hold her.

5. She loves to pretend to be a baby. She doesn’t like to share Mommy with her sisters and if she sees another child being held, she whines to be picked up. She absolutely hates it if I hold another child.

Now I tag Kristen and her boys, Bryce and Quinn and Mom-101 and Thalia.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Too Much to Do, Too Little Time

Lately I wonder why I am stressed out all the time. I feel like I have no time for anything and too much to do. I am, unfortunately, a perfectionist at heart. I have little patience and tend to do things myself if I think it will take to long for other to do. These are habits I have been forcing myself to surpress (and think I am doing okay at it).

I know I tend to over schedule things (hence my blog title, because that’s what things tend to be, a whirlwind of activity) and have also been trying not to. Last January, I really reevaluated my schedule when I realized I was going to play dates for 20 minutes before jetting to ballet class. It’s just not worth the hassle. And up until now, I feel like I was keeping a close reign on my schedule. The girls can play soccer but not take dance until the season is done (that sort of thing). Then this week happened!

Monday – I went to work. Came home, made supper, did the dishes and started some laundry.

Tuesday – Nothing exciting except cleaning the house in anticipation for a home inspection for the insurance company in the early afternoon. Then 20 minutes before the inspection, Husband cuts his finger open warranting an unexpected trip to the ER to get 5 stitches. Home only to split up and go Xmas shopping. I got Moe. He got Einey, Meenie and his Mom. Note to self: Call and reschedule inspection.

Wednesday – Drop Einey off at school (was almost late as I couldn’t find the keys to the Van- Husband had it last- and needed to put the carseat back in the van. Hurried up and brought Meenie to Ballet/Tap class. While she’s at class, ran to the Dollar Store. Ran back to pick up Meenie (was 5 minutes late, the class runs 45 minutes). Go home and sat for about ½ hour. Then it was off to the Post Office where Husband mailed some items he painted back to their owners and I mailed out the Xmas Cards (finished with Holiday Letter, no pictures) and Birthday Party Invitations. Then off to drop Husband’s car off for an oil change. Went to BJ’s and did a big stock up shopping. Dropped Husband off to pick up car and headed home. Unloaded van and headed straight over to pick up Einey. The over to Big Y to pick up a few extra things. Home to put the food away, do dishes and make pizza for supper. After dinner, we will be heading to my hometown 15 minutes away to make Gingerbread houses at the Library (sorry Jen, it was last minute or I would have let you know we would be in town). The kids napped in the car and had fruity Cheerio’s, Polly-O string cheese, pretzels and Peach Nectar for lunch (Mom didn’t eat). Note to self: Make appointment in January to have pictures done.

Thursday- No school for Einey as it’s Parent Teacher Conference Day (ours is at 2:30). I was supposed to go to breakfast with friends in the morning, but I am going to bail (sorry Binky, but I need a breather!). Drop kids off at grandma’s so we can go to the conference. Then head over to a friend’s house for a craft. And husband starts his week of nights.

Friday - Drop Einey off at school and then I have about an hour before I have a meeting and Holiday Party. Then my van has an appointment for an oil change. Which is at lunch/nap time and then hope I get back to pick up Einey from school on time. Then it’s off to an hour and forty-five minute ballet/tap/jazz class. I think i am going to reschedule the oil change for a later date!

Saturday – Nothing

SundayBreakfest with Santa and then a Birthday Party (to which I may skip, haven’t decided yet).

Uggh and I wonder why I am always stressed out.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Peace and Quiet

I have been enjoying the last hour alone. Peace and quiet at last! Husband took Einey and Meenie out Christmas shopping. Moe and I went and did a little shopping ourselves, came home and Moe went to bed. I can't remember the last time I had complete silence in around me.

It's a bit.....eerie!

I have been working on a header for my blog but cannot seem to insert it right. I've had to revert to my last saved template many times!


After a fall with above normal temperatures, I was excited to look outside this morning and see:

Friday, December 01, 2006

That time of Year

It's that time of year again. Time to take out the Christmas Decorations. Mail out the Cards. Go shopping. Bake. And write Christmas Lists.

I asked husband if he wanted to take out the Christmas decorations tonight but he wants to wait. As long as possible. He thinks with Moe in the house, they would last for about 5 seconds before she pulls them down or knocks them over. I just want to decorate. We already decided that we will be using just paper decorations on the tree this year as we don't want her to break all of the glass ones.

Christmas Cards. Well I wanted to have those out already, but the design is still on my computer waiting to be approved by husband and printed. The picture of the girls (and us) has not been taken. And the holiday letter is still floating around in my head. On the plus side, the envelopes are addressed and stamped!

Shopping? Haven't even started. Those of you who know me, know I am usually done by September and have most things wrapped at this point. This year? I still don't even know when I can find time to go shopping!

The baking will get started soon. That usually happens frequently throughout the season, so I'm not worried about that getting done.

And Christmas Lists? Ughh! That has to be the hardest thing this year? What do you buy kids who have everything? We seriously have a playroom that we have been secretly weeding out toys for the past year and you would never be able to tell. We have a whole room devoted to toys, with a full wall of built in shelves. And then more shelves and bins. And then of course, they have toys in their rooms. On shelves and under their beds. There are toys in the basement and van. We have toys everywhere! We are at a point where they don't need clothes. Moe has clothes in her closet that she got for her birthday that we don't have room for. I can skip doing their laundry for two weeks and if it weren't for socks and underwear, you'd never know by looking in their room. My family has been hounding me for lists for weeks now. And his family has started in too now.

Feliz Navidad!