Friday, January 30, 2009


For the most part, I like winter. Except when the weather gets below freezing. I'm not too bitter, yet. Even though we're around storm 17 and we technically have six more weeks of winter. And my kids have had quite a few snow days and delayed school openings (which in Moe's case, means no school). but damn, this morning sucked.

Husband (whom I still haven't renamed) woke me up at 6 to ask me to move the van. Apparently one guy he car pools with thought they already left and the other guy was MIA, so he needed the car. Which was parked in front of the van in opur super obnoxious driveway. So after me waking up and trudging outside in 10 degree weather, we spent about 20 minutes trying to free his car. We tried re-shoveling, using the ice hacker thing to break the ice and kitty litter. I ran out of sand/salt yesterday so kitty litter was all we had (we've never owned a cat, BTW). Nada. He spent more time spinning his tires. His car was stuck. And of course, it was on the part of the driveway that sloped down. Which caught all the water as the ice melted yesterday and then refroze. Yeah.

So, he had to take the van. Which left me vehicle-less. My kids don't take a bus. So yeah. I got them a ride to and from school. Bailed on a coffee playdate. Bailed on helping serve ice cream at school. And am now hoping it warms up so the ice melts and I can move the car furthur back. At least Husband said he'd pick up ice melt on the way home. If he can find it - afterall, it is New England and since it's now time for bathing suits and sunblock, not snowsuits and ice melt, he may have a problem there....


AnnetteK said...

That stinks! Good luck finding the ice melt - the places that have it around here have jacked up the prices.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I think I'll take water rationing over that any day.

It's currently 85 outside here in Southern California. Yes, in the WINTER. Sure, we might be warm, but we won't have any water come summer time. ;)