Yesterday was one of the most relaxing, fun days we've had in a long time. Laughing and smiles were on every face for the majority of the day. There was no screaming, yelling, hitting, or little monsters to be found.
What made yesterday different from the rest? Einey had a snow day from school and Husband happened to be home as well. We mad e big breakfest and got ready mid morning. Then we took the kids to a nearby school to go sledding. What I thought would be a quick outing cut short by cries of "I'm cold" lasted close to 1 1/2 hours. It ended in a few tears but the were tears of "I don't want to leave". But it was lunch time and nap time and mom and dad (who don't have snow pants) were getting cold.
We all took turns going down the hill in the sleds. Husband and I switched of sliding with Moe while the two older girls went down on their own and trekked back up the hill. We had normal sleds and a thin, plastic on you are supposed to kneel on. It ended up with a huge tear in it, but Meenie still used it anyway. It was her favorite one! At one point, I was laying down on that sled and going down the hill with Meenie on my back! I haven't been sledding in close to 13 years. I forgot how much fun it was. And work too. My arms were killing me after that work out. From holding onto the sled to running across the field pulling the kids.
We came home and sipped hot cocoa with marshmallows with our meal. It was the best day we've had in a long time!
Today's project is going to be building a snowman when Einey gets out of school.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Sunday, February 25, 2007
The Good and the Bad...
I could have killed Husband this morning. And if he were home, I probably would have considered hurting him.
Husband's hobby is painting. He paints fantasy figures as a hobby (picture little statues smaller than the Little Pet Shop toys ~25mm for those of you who can picture it). Apparently he's pretty good, because people from all over the world hire him to paint for them. Actually, he is pretty good if you look at the amount of detail on them.
Anyway, he keeps his paint in a bucket and brings it downstairs at night so he can paint while watching TV. During the day, the paint is supposed to be upstairs, in the hobby room attached to our bedroom so it is out of the way. The last few nights, what does he do? He leaves it sitting downstairs in the living room. Yesterday, Moe took a bottle of green paint and dumped it into the palette that was sitting on his painting table. No harm done except to the green paint. This morning, apparently she was trying to dump the brown paint into the palette. Only she had the palette sitting on the couch. And it spilt. All over the couch. Did I mention the couch isn't very old? And was now covered in paint?
Somehow I managed to blot all of the paint off the couch. The cushion was much worse than the couch. But I put that in the sink and continuously ran water over it while blotting and squeezing. I'm not sure how I did it, but I believe I got it all out.
The couch is brown with red and green. The paint was also brown, but a very light/bright brown.
At least it came out.
Husband's hobby is painting. He paints fantasy figures as a hobby (picture little statues smaller than the Little Pet Shop toys ~25mm for those of you who can picture it). Apparently he's pretty good, because people from all over the world hire him to paint for them. Actually, he is pretty good if you look at the amount of detail on them.
Anyway, he keeps his paint in a bucket and brings it downstairs at night so he can paint while watching TV. During the day, the paint is supposed to be upstairs, in the hobby room attached to our bedroom so it is out of the way. The last few nights, what does he do? He leaves it sitting downstairs in the living room. Yesterday, Moe took a bottle of green paint and dumped it into the palette that was sitting on his painting table. No harm done except to the green paint. This morning, apparently she was trying to dump the brown paint into the palette. Only she had the palette sitting on the couch. And it spilt. All over the couch. Did I mention the couch isn't very old? And was now covered in paint?
Somehow I managed to blot all of the paint off the couch. The cushion was much worse than the couch. But I put that in the sink and continuously ran water over it while blotting and squeezing. I'm not sure how I did it, but I believe I got it all out.
The couch is brown with red and green. The paint was also brown, but a very light/bright brown.
At least it came out.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Photo Hunt Saturday
This week's them is soft. While I could think of many things that were soft, one thing kept coming up in my mind. Nothing is softer than the blankets and stuffed animals in Moe's bedroom. I decided to peek into her crib and take a picture of what was in there. Today she had two fleece blankets (which are super soft and warm), the Grinch (who is also very soft) and piglet (again, very soft). Sometimes I wish I could curl up with some of the stuff in her bed.
Friday, February 23, 2007
100th Post and other Random bits
Okay, so technically this is my 102nd post, but have I told you before how I'm always late? Well there's no exception to that rule here!
I swear I have the cleanest toddler on the block. You can't even think about taking a shower without Moe climbing in before you. She is constantly obsessed with bathing. If she spills water on her self, she tells you "dirty, need bath". You mention bath and she's naked and in the shower before you make it up there. As a result, I have been bathing at night while she is asleep just to have privacy.
I posted a picture last night on my other blog but decided to throw up the challenge here.
So just what is on your computer desk? Mine is a bit messy at the moment, but normally, I try to keep it organized. Currently, I have games, the printer, the scanner, 2 digital cameras, books, toys, diaper rash powder, a watch, sippy cups, a phone, a brush, pictures, CD's, a Gameboy homework and dice. Plus tons of assorted papers. I really try to keep it clean, but sometimes, it just doesn't work! Anyway, post links to pictures and/or descriptions in my comment and I'll come check out your work area.
edit: The picture is different as with some of the pictures on my photo blog. For some reason, I lost half my pictures today and had to find some. They may not be the same version of the one's I had posted.
I swear I have the cleanest toddler on the block. You can't even think about taking a shower without Moe climbing in before you. She is constantly obsessed with bathing. If she spills water on her self, she tells you "dirty, need bath". You mention bath and she's naked and in the shower before you make it up there. As a result, I have been bathing at night while she is asleep just to have privacy.
I posted a picture last night on my other blog but decided to throw up the challenge here.
So just what is on your computer desk? Mine is a bit messy at the moment, but normally, I try to keep it organized. Currently, I have games, the printer, the scanner, 2 digital cameras, books, toys, diaper rash powder, a watch, sippy cups, a phone, a brush, pictures, CD's, a Gameboy homework and dice. Plus tons of assorted papers. I really try to keep it clean, but sometimes, it just doesn't work! Anyway, post links to pictures and/or descriptions in my comment and I'll come check out your work area.
edit: The picture is different as with some of the pictures on my photo blog. For some reason, I lost half my pictures today and had to find some. They may not be the same version of the one's I had posted.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
New Camera
Okay guys, I need some suggestions. We are actually finally looking to get a new digital camera. I want a SLR type.
I look at everyone's pictures and have been dreaming of a new camera for so long! We are currently using a Sony 2.oMB that we got over 5 years ago! Don't get me wrong, it's seen us through many events. The birth of all three girls, school plays, weddings and adventures! It's time for an upgrade. We do alot of nature photography as well as people. So what are your suggestions?
I look at everyone's pictures and have been dreaming of a new camera for so long! We are currently using a Sony 2.oMB that we got over 5 years ago! Don't get me wrong, it's seen us through many events. The birth of all three girls, school plays, weddings and adventures! It's time for an upgrade. We do alot of nature photography as well as people. So what are your suggestions?
Sunday, February 18, 2007
What I accomplished while Husband was away
Husband has been away in DC since Wednesday. He attended a gaming conference, where I am told he had alot of fun.
While he was gone, I managed to do a few things around the house.
1). Let daughter miss her first day of school. But she was sick and it was only 2.5 hours.
2). Have the dishes washed every night, although I have no one to prove it.
3). Fixed the toilet that has been broke for about 10 months. If I knew it was only a 5 minute Job and so easy, I would have done it back then instead of waiting for him.
4). Re framed a bunch of pictures which had been knocked down and had the glass broken. Also have them hung back up on the wall.
5). Rehung the mirror in Einey and Meenie's room that I have been waiting on Husband to hang. Almost as long as I was waiting on the toilet to be fixed.
6). Hung some pictures of the girls in our bedroom. Although they are about 3 years old. And there's none of Moe. But we have been working on painting and wallpapering the room for a looong time (who has time to paint and wallpaper?) so I can't blame this one on him.
7). Cleared the ice off the steps so I don't fall on my ass leaving the house. I couldn't find any ice melt (because, who carries it when you actually need it?). I accomplished this by pouring hot water on the steps and then shoveling the sludge away. Then I put a crap load of dirt down.
8). Washed and folded (and even put away) almost all of the laundry.
9). Moved some toys around. The kitchen set, which has been unused for months, was moved from Einey/Meenie's room to Moe's room. The dishes and food which was in the playroom also got moved upstairs to Moe's room. Then all three of them promptly played with it for hours.
And now I am letting the girls stay up late watching a movie. I want them to sleep in tomorrow morning!
While he was gone, I managed to do a few things around the house.
1). Let daughter miss her first day of school. But she was sick and it was only 2.5 hours.
2). Have the dishes washed every night, although I have no one to prove it.
3). Fixed the toilet that has been broke for about 10 months. If I knew it was only a 5 minute Job and so easy, I would have done it back then instead of waiting for him.
4). Re framed a bunch of pictures which had been knocked down and had the glass broken. Also have them hung back up on the wall.
5). Rehung the mirror in Einey and Meenie's room that I have been waiting on Husband to hang. Almost as long as I was waiting on the toilet to be fixed.
6). Hung some pictures of the girls in our bedroom. Although they are about 3 years old. And there's none of Moe. But we have been working on painting and wallpapering the room for a looong time (who has time to paint and wallpaper?) so I can't blame this one on him.
7). Cleared the ice off the steps so I don't fall on my ass leaving the house. I couldn't find any ice melt (because, who carries it when you actually need it?). I accomplished this by pouring hot water on the steps and then shoveling the sludge away. Then I put a crap load of dirt down.
8). Washed and folded (and even put away) almost all of the laundry.
9). Moved some toys around. The kitchen set, which has been unused for months, was moved from Einey/Meenie's room to Moe's room. The dishes and food which was in the playroom also got moved upstairs to Moe's room. Then all three of them promptly played with it for hours.
And now I am letting the girls stay up late watching a movie. I want them to sleep in tomorrow morning!
I'm afraid of...
Peanut Butter. And not because of the Salmonella outbreak plaguing some manufacturers. But because of Moe. Moe came walking in the room with two fist fulls of peanut butter and a face covered in the gooey mess. At this point, I am more scared of the contamination of two year old fingers than of Salmonella.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Photo Hunt Saturday - Antique
Friday, February 16, 2007
Feeling better
I am a perfectionist and hate when we have to miss anything. The bad mom in me said send her in. The good mom said let her stay home. She has until Tuesday to recover and it's only 2.5 hours!
Einey is feeling much better. I felt bad as she couldn't go to school on Thursday due to being sick all day Wednesday. I actually almost sent her in anyway as they only had a 2.5 hour school day. They had a 1/2 day scheduled and ended up with a 90 minute delay due to weather. They were going to have their Valentine's Day party and probably just free play the rest of the time. But when I went out to start the van, it was covered in a solid 1.5 inch thick layer of ice. I tried leaving it run for awhile but it wasn't helping much. I finally said screw it and went back inside. She shouldn't have gone in anyway. Plus, with her feeling sick, did I really want her eating party junk? I sent in her valentine's earlier in the week, so her friends got them Thursday. She'll get her bag when she goes back on Tuesday.
I moved the van into the sun to try and melt the ice. Today, I had to go out and chip away what was left. I don't think I have ever removed ice so thick from my vehicle before. My driveway is covered in ice. I had to throw dirt down on the steps to give us some traction. I hope when Husband comes back from his trip, he grabs some ice melt to do the stairs, even with the dirt, they are a slip and fall waiting to happen.
Anyway, we are surviving well without Husband home. He seems to be having fun and we can't wait to see him Sunday!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day...
I hope yours is going better than mine.
I kissed hubby goodbye at 10:30 am and sent him on his merry way. He's heading to DC for the weekend to a gaming con with some friends. At precisely 10:45 am, Einey started to puke. And puke she has since then. I was slightly amused at first - it came up bright pink and seemed somewhat fitting for the day (powdered donuts and strawberry milk).
So here I am sitting in a virus infested house with the kids. We are getting low on milk (I may have to ration it).
There was no school today due to the ice and snow that fell last night. So daughter will not be going to school tomorrow. Which means she has 6 days off. Plenty of time to rest.
I had to cancel having friends over Friday night to keep me company as I don't want to infect anyone else.
I brought some new sleds last night hoping to use them this weekend, but as of right now, we have about 1/2 inch of snow and the rest is ice. Not enough to use the sleds.
Last night, husband and I went out to a nice quiet dinner. Alone. It was very relaxing. After that, we stopped and picked up some flowers. Just a mixture bouquet, which I prefer over just roses anyway. And that is all I wanted for Valentine's Day. I don't feel like we need a holiday for him to ell me he loves me. He does that all year long. He shows me he loves me with the little things. One day isn't going to change it.
Anyway stay warm, stay healthy and enjoy whatever treats you get.
I kissed hubby goodbye at 10:30 am and sent him on his merry way. He's heading to DC for the weekend to a gaming con with some friends. At precisely 10:45 am, Einey started to puke. And puke she has since then. I was slightly amused at first - it came up bright pink and seemed somewhat fitting for the day (powdered donuts and strawberry milk).
So here I am sitting in a virus infested house with the kids. We are getting low on milk (I may have to ration it).
There was no school today due to the ice and snow that fell last night. So daughter will not be going to school tomorrow. Which means she has 6 days off. Plenty of time to rest.
I had to cancel having friends over Friday night to keep me company as I don't want to infect anyone else.
I brought some new sleds last night hoping to use them this weekend, but as of right now, we have about 1/2 inch of snow and the rest is ice. Not enough to use the sleds.
Last night, husband and I went out to a nice quiet dinner. Alone. It was very relaxing. After that, we stopped and picked up some flowers. Just a mixture bouquet, which I prefer over just roses anyway. And that is all I wanted for Valentine's Day. I don't feel like we need a holiday for him to ell me he loves me. He does that all year long. He shows me he loves me with the little things. One day isn't going to change it.
Anyway stay warm, stay healthy and enjoy whatever treats you get.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Photo Hunt Saturday - Broken
This week's theme is Broken.
This is a picture of a mill in my hometown that was being demolished over the summer. It is still at the same point, as they are still cleaning up the debris around it. Whenever we drive by, my girls always ask "Is it still broken? Are they going to fix it?"
Check out some other pictures here:
Friday, February 09, 2007
It would have been easier to milk a cow...
We were out of milk tonight, so I tried to make a quick trip out to grab some. That normal 5 minute trip took over a half hour!
I started at the bank and was in and out. Figuring I would save some time (but knowing the milk cost twice as much), I stopped at the local grocery store which was between the bank and my house. Made it to the checkout line to find out as I was checking out, the lines went down and I couldn't pay with my debit card. I never carry cash and left my checkbook in the car as I only needed one thing. I was told I could use the ATM and come back to pay. Um thanks but no thanks! I was not about to pay the $2.. service fee on top of the outrageous price for milk.
So onto the little convenience store just past my house. In and get to the cash register. Um, sorry, you need to spend over $6 to use your card.
Next stop, the gas station further down the road. Milk at 1/2 the cost of the grocery store and I could use my debit card.
Total distance: 3 miles round trip.
Total cost: $2.39
Total time: Over 1/2 hour
Next time, I'll find a cow to milk, it may be quicker.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Snowy Scene's
Photo Hunt Saturday - Something Gross
This week's theme is something Gross.
Last summer, we really got down and dirty discovering the things growing in and under our yard. We found this pink fungus growing under some logs we had cut down in the yard.
This red fungus was growing on a log, under the bark. We found many different types of fungus growing in, on and around the logs, as well as many different types of bugs. I'm not one to think bugs are gross, but rather interesting. Fungus however, in any form is gross!
Friday, February 02, 2007
Groundhog Day
Here in the US, it was Groundhog Day. Today Good Ole Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow, foretelling an early spring. This came as no surprise to those of us living in the Northeastern US who have seen barely an inch of snow this winter. We enjoyed weather in the 50's into January.
Yesterday, I tried to explain to Einey (who was learning about Groundhog Day in school) that no matter if the groundhog saw his shadow, the official start of spring doesn't change. It still comes with the vernal equinox on March 20th.
Here is a shot of one of our groundhogs that lives in the woods behind the neighbor's house. He was rather cute, munching on the raspberry leaves and weeds, until he decided to infiltrate my garden last year and eat my squash plants. He's one of the wildlife we can tolerate though.

Yesterday, I tried to explain to Einey (who was learning about Groundhog Day in school) that no matter if the groundhog saw his shadow, the official start of spring doesn't change. It still comes with the vernal equinox on March 20th.
Here is a shot of one of our groundhogs that lives in the woods behind the neighbor's house. He was rather cute, munching on the raspberry leaves and weeds, until he decided to infiltrate my garden last year and eat my squash plants. He's one of the wildlife we can tolerate though.

I was half tempted to wake the girls up to play outside when I saw this. But it should still be there (plus some) in the morning)!
I can upload my pictures again, so remember to check out my 365 Random pictures again. I uploaded all the pictures I had taken on the days when I couldn't upload them. Now all that's left is today's picture...
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Books, Books and More Books........
Visit our house and one thing you will see tons of is books. We have books in every room of the house and van. Board books, kids books, chapter books, our books, cook books, how-to books, library books, classics, novels and bathroom books. Books full of history and pictures. We also have an array of magazine subscriptions, with each of the girls getting their own magazine each month.
Growing up, books were a huge part of my life. I could always be found with a book by my side. In school, I would hide them in my school books during lessons. Not only that, but I read fast. It takes me only one or two nights to finish a novel. This is both a blessing and a curse. Its great that I can read so fast, but it is also increasingly difficult to find enough books to sate my hunger. I never have enough time at the library to browse for myself, instead, heading right to the children's section for the girls. Their favorites right now are anything by David Shannon , "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus" by Mo Williams and "Winners Never Quit" by Mia Hamm. Moe drags this one around the house saying Me-amm, Me-ammm. Currently, my favorite books are "The Fat Cat" and "The Pirate Story" both written and illustrated by Einey.
A few weeks ago, I introduced Einey to a children's dictionary. Its one with the pictures to help her find a word. She was so excited to open it up and be able to spell words like "octopus" and "umbrella". I only hope that she remembers to use it as she grows and comes across something she may not know.
This morning, I found a stack of books sitting net to me that badly needed some bandages to make them whole again. I know the girls don't mean to be rough, but just love certain books more than others. SO i grabbed some tape and was taping the pages back together.
As I was doing this, I started thinking about how I really need to go through their bookshelves to see how many more books need repairs. Unfortunately, I know that I will come across some that, no matter how much love we give them, will never be whole again. These are the pop-ups that have lost their tabs. The board books that have had their pictures peeled from them, and even a few without covers. I don't look forward to that task. I don't want to throw out any books, no matter how unreadable they may be.
Growing up, books were a huge part of my life. I could always be found with a book by my side. In school, I would hide them in my school books during lessons. Not only that, but I read fast. It takes me only one or two nights to finish a novel. This is both a blessing and a curse. Its great that I can read so fast, but it is also increasingly difficult to find enough books to sate my hunger. I never have enough time at the library to browse for myself, instead, heading right to the children's section for the girls. Their favorites right now are anything by David Shannon , "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus" by Mo Williams and "Winners Never Quit" by Mia Hamm. Moe drags this one around the house saying Me-amm, Me-ammm. Currently, my favorite books are "The Fat Cat" and "The Pirate Story" both written and illustrated by Einey.
A few weeks ago, I introduced Einey to a children's dictionary. Its one with the pictures to help her find a word. She was so excited to open it up and be able to spell words like "octopus" and "umbrella". I only hope that she remembers to use it as she grows and comes across something she may not know.
This morning, I found a stack of books sitting net to me that badly needed some bandages to make them whole again. I know the girls don't mean to be rough, but just love certain books more than others. SO i grabbed some tape and was taping the pages back together.
As I was doing this, I started thinking about how I really need to go through their bookshelves to see how many more books need repairs. Unfortunately, I know that I will come across some that, no matter how much love we give them, will never be whole again. These are the pop-ups that have lost their tabs. The board books that have had their pictures peeled from them, and even a few without covers. I don't look forward to that task. I don't want to throw out any books, no matter how unreadable they may be.
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